Anal sex, enema, extreme practices - experience

Colon, rectum

Experiences and tips on anal sex, enemas and extreme anal practices. Information on the anatomy of the anus and the risks of anal sex.

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Anatomy and limits of the anus - length, width

An untrained man will insert a 4cm human penis or dildo into the anus to a depth of 15cm. It goes through the anus (anus), anal canal 2.5-3.5cm with external and internal sphincter and rectum 10-12cm. However, the clamps are only around the anal canal and then there is only a thin smooth muscle around the intestines, which spontaneously moves unprocessed substances through the intestine.

Followed by sigmoid colon (ace-shaped zigzag) - sharp movement to the left from the viewpoint of a person (sharp movement to the right when looking at the picture). This causes resistance for the introduced toy and we feel like there is another sphincter. That is why in the vast majority of porn films we see the insertion of dildos over 4.5 cm thick only to a depth of about 15 cm. An untrained 160cm tall woman can push a toy about 3cm in diameter through the first bend of the sigmoid colon, a man 3,5cm. A trained woman about 4,5-5 cm and a trained man about 5cm-6cm (more are rather extreme). Trained actresses can temporarily pull the sigmoid colon (and part of the descending colon) up and into the middle of the abdomen.

The next boundary is about 30-35cm deep, when the sigmoid colon curves upwards into the descending colon. You can push a dildo with a diameter of 3-4.5cm through this second bend of the sigmoid colon. Teasing this second bend produces intense sensations of pressure and fullness. Very thin dildos up to 2,5-3cm can be inserted to a depth of up to 70cm. The colon following the anus is about 1.5 meters long.

The anal opening can be stretched to a width of 6cm after 4-10 weeks of regular training. After years of persistent training, some exceptional people can accommodate a 12-13cm diameter device.

Reasons for anal sex?

Variety, male dominance, female submissiveness, narrower opening. Irritation of the smooth muscles inside the body will cause intense sensations in both sexes, regardless of submissiveness or dominance. Flexibila, the possibility to introduce multiple penises or toys at the same time, rest for the vagina.

Coital and oral sex is considered the normal standard. Anal sex is tried by about 60% heterosexual couples in developed countries. But only 10-15% heterosexual couples do anal sex actively - e.g. once a week, according to our survey of about 100 couples aged 15-45 from different social groups. Mostly at the instigation of the man. A similar percentage of men (even heterosexual) welcome anal sex in a passive role. But passive anal sex can be pleasurable for any woman or man. Both women and men achieve anal orgasms, but usually while simultaneously teasing other intimate areas.

Anal sex can be prevented by psychological resistance - morality, hygiene, fear of pain or fear of perceived negative effects. Sometimes it can also be the partners' time, as more time is needed for anal sex. Insertion into the anus also requires a relatively higher penile hardness than insertion into the vagina.

Thus, anal sex can be an extra standard from a woman's point of view, for which something extra can be asked. Anal sex is not natural sexual practice. There's no point in convincing your partner of that, because it's just a bare fact. It's clearly biological and most of the time social. Accept that your partner is doing something extra for you and it will go easier. Read more How to get a wife or girlfriend for anal sex.

Getting started with anal sex and tips

First, ideally try it on yourself with an artificial penis. If you are trying it as a couple, choose at least the top position as a passive partner, where you regulate the depth of penetration yourself. By gradually stretching while respecting the body's limit (pain), you will avoid involuntary contractions and relax the sphincters faster and without painful consequences or injury. For this reason, we do not recommend or sell numbing products.

Sometimes a deeper shift simply takes time, usually in a matter of days or a few weeks. And regular training. In the absence of training, the body returns to the basic limits of stretching. In any case, there is no need to worry about leaking excretions. This is pure myth. And it is not so with extreme rectal stretching either.

Considering that even preschoolers routinely excrete 4.5cm thick shit, a normal adult should be able to handle the average human penis within a few days.

If you feel the need to go to the toilet before or during sex, do it. With a medium (over 10cm) or deep insertion (over 20cm), the colon is normally partially filled with stool ready for expulsion. This is not necessarily an indication of the need to go to the toilet. However, these remnants in the rectum tear the mucosa when irritated. If they appear on the penis in more than a dropful, clean it and, according to subjective well-being, go to the toilet or perform an enema.

Always keep a towel under your body.

Choosing the right anal lubricant

Most water-based gels, even those that are not perfumed, labeled "anal" or "natural", etc., have an anti-mold disinfectant additive to make the gel last for its guaranteed shelf life. This additive burns in the vagina, but especially in the more sensitive anal tissue. The anal clenches and tries to squeeze out the lubricant. Some people are resistant to this, but don't count on it. Always test the gel at least on yourself before giving it to your partner and then on your partner. Be prepared for a situation where your chosen gel doesn't suit her or him.

In our sexshop, water-based lubricants without burning disinfectant additives are lubricant additives Lona Strawberry, Lona Raspberry, Waterglide Cherry, Vanilla, Melon, Waterglide Feel, Male Lubricant Powder. These can be used for all kinds of sex and all kinds of toys as well as condoms. Unperfumed silicone or oil-based gels do not usually burn, but may interfere with condoms.

Lubricating creams should be combined with a little deer tallow before introducing the lubricating cream. Deer tallow unlike other lubricants, it creates a long-lasting protective layer (several hours) that prevents the wounded tissue from drying out. This accelerates healing and reduces the risk of inflammation of the injured tissue.

Side effects, negatives and positives of anal sex

Anal sex is more demanding in terms of hygiene. Loose food debris in the bowel means higher risks of vaginal or bladder inflammation for both partners. The mucous membranes of the anus and rectum and the colon are more susceptible to injury (also due to sometimes relatively sharp food debris, e.g. nuts) and thus to the transmission of STDs. Scientific studies have refuted the common assumption that there is a higher risk of incontinence due to anal sex. The anus can be enlarged by gradual, painless stretching (after very intensive training for several hours a day, a prolapse can even be trained), but the sphincter will continue to perform its function reliably.

Haemorrhoids and fissures

In connection with anal sex, lay people often talk about the risk of hemorrhoids. Basically, people are much more likely to have problems with fissures (fissuring), which mechanically injure the muscle tissue of the anal sphincter, for example with large poop or sharp food scraps. Fissures occur with hurried painful anal sex, but more often with excessive handling of large toys.

With respectful anal sex, this shouldn't happen. On the contrary, if anal sex is performed well, i.e. gradually and painlessly, it prevents hemorrhoids or fissures (see below).

In the case of more severe disturbance of the rectum or intestines, light mucous-like structures (not to be confused with lubricant residues), sometimes even resembling the intestines or skin, may reappear in the faeces. The increased mucus in the intestine has a protective and insulating function. It probably indicates inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. And also that you are going well over your current size limit or using the aids in an inappropriate or aggressive manner! Mucus has a protective healing function. But if you don't have major pain, it should heal within 2 weeks.

Anal sex as health prevention

Anal sex or dilatation with dildos can act as a preventive measure against fissures and, with careful dilation and application of an insulating cream that promotes healing (see below), can speed up the healing of fissures. It can teach you to relax the sphincter during expulsion. Tissue injured by a fissure is less abrasive and heals more quickly when relaxed - more gentle secretion. We know plenty of people with hemorrhoids (a common health problem in older age), but no one with hemorrhoids who has regular e.g. weekly or monthly (passive) anal sex. It makes sense - hemorrhoids are treated by lubrication and massage in the first stage.

One of our customers was advised by his doctor to exercise his rectum with the aids as a prevention of fissures. The customer's feedback: if I don't exercise with anal toys for a few weeks, it gets worse. Minor injuries usually heal in a day or two. But if you introduce a gadget too big despite major pain, and you are not gradually trained to do so, you will tear the mucous membrane. The injured area then hurts on expulsion for about a week and heals completely within a couple of weeks. Massage the haemorrhoid with a suitable oily cream e.g. with deer tallow promotes healing. The wound in the intestinal mucosa does not dry out, reducing the risk of further damage from food debris and the risk of inflammation. In the elderly and people with impaired healing (e.g. diabetics) this will take longer.

Bleeding during anal sex

After anal play, the mucous membrane may bleed a little (discoloration of toilet paper, with a stronger degree even discoloured stools in a certain place) and the pain or false urge to go to the toilet is not exceptional in the beginning and should stop within 1-3 days. However, it still indicates incorrect performance of anal sex, i.e. beyond your current physical limits or too quickly without sufficient relaxation. Heavier bleeding should not occur with respectful anal sex.

When training with larger or longer objects, you can overdo it in the excitement, despite warnings of pain. Heavy bleeding is when blood drips to lightly "runs" from you briefly when pushing and it doesn't hurt. In this condition it may not yet be necessary to see a doctor and it should stop by day 3. This does not mean that you have to get this far. It's stupid. Unless there are other negative signals (temperature, nausea, more pain even outside of secretions), the body should be able to handle it. If something is wrong like more pain, temperature, nausea or other extreme symptoms, go to the doctor.

Possible discomfort after anal sex

They appear during the first attempts with the penis or then during intensive training with toys 5cm thick or more. This is manifested by the urge to go to the toilet, when in fact you do not need to. They are most often caused by a slight straining of the musculature of the external and more often the internal sphincter around the anal canal (about 2.5-3.5cm from the anus) and the smooth muscle around the rectum (another 10-12cm inside the body), or the smooth muscle around the colon (the last part of the colon). In human terms, you have slightly strained these muscles as in the expulsion of a particularly bulky excrement and have temporarily slightly impaired traction of the intestinal musculature. The muscles may even be slightly contracted and therefore pushing.

The smooth muscle cannot be controlled by will and you can get relief and relaxation from a warm shower or spontaneous contractions of this smooth muscle during orgasm (without introducing it into the anus). You can also do light exercises, clenching and relaxing the gluteal muscles and sphincter, but there is no point in pushing, this will only further traumatise the muscles. As a rule, it will return to normal within 1 or 2 days. With more intense training with aids over 25 cm you can also cause yourself slight constipation. It should be back to normal within 14 days at the most. The return to normal can be aided by light enemas in addition to the method above.

Bruise on the anus

A bruise on the anus is rare in normal people. It can arise as a result of pressure, for example, if you sit on a dildo for a long time. Basically, it doesn't hurt, you just have a coloured anus.

Combination of vaginal and anal sex - risk of urinary tract inflammation

Combining vaginal and anal sex without proper washing, as they do in porn movies, is spectacular not only in porn movies, but also in reality. It's a powerful turn-on for both man and woman. This technique always increases the risk of vaginal inflammation. The absence of washing in a short time after sex means inflammation almost certainly, so do not combine anal and vaginal sex where it is not possible to wash well afterwards - in nature, on the road, etc. At home it is good to have teas or herbs to prevent urinary tract inflammation. If you use herbs early in the beginning of urethral itching, the inflammation will almost always heal without antibiotics.

Anal pins

Inflatable toys allow even beginners to painlessly experience the feeling of great fulfillment. But the rubber they're made of is relatively skin-pulling. Cheaper inflatable toys have a thin rubber that is more easily disturbed by hard stool debris (peanuts, etc.) and a plastic valve that lets air out. An alternative is a pin with gradually widening steps (2-4 cm in diameter, 3-6 cm for the more advanced) that will release the sphincter better. For the more advanced, there are massive wedges for expansion (7-15 cm) or massive dildos up to 55 cm long. See more Ideal toy hardness 7.5HC (relaxed muscle hardness) and its advantages.


In some sex shops one can read false information about the healing and cleansing effects of colon cleansing and, after training, possibly also small intestine cleansing. A healthy body is adapted to properly rid itself of excreted food residues. An enema with drinking water at a reasonable rate and frequency is not harmful to the body. In about half of the cases, an enema is not necessary for normal anal play with a penis up to 15cm-20cm in size. It depends on the actual "fullness" of the body. Alternatively, a light enema is sufficient and immediately excluded.

Drinking water can be used. Other liquids, e.g. milk, are less suitable from a hygienic point of view, but the body can handle them. It can be infused special irrigators - filling balloon, syringe, hanging bag, most conveniently showersbut a plastic kitchen a funnel with a well-rounded edge. Lubricate the enema aid.

It is necessary to stay warm during the kystyr. You are not moving, you are only partially clothed and the toilet is usually not one of the warmest rooms. If it's not hot, keep a sweater or large dry towel or a hot air heater handy.

Deep enema

In hospitals, they rather do a strong enema, what the body can handle, for example, 0.5 to 0.75l. At home, it only makes sense if you want the size of the devices to attack your limits. Separately as a SM/SubDom practice or an adjunct to sex play, where bowels filled with warm water relax and intensify sensations during genital stimulation. Can be enhanced with an anal plug.

The amount to be infused is individual according to the person and their current condition. An untrained person can hold from 0.75 to 1.5l. A trained man of average height could handle 2 to 2.5l, where the limit will give you an indication of pain in your gut (like you want to vomit). See for yourself what you can handle.

When the water from a deeper enema is expelled, the body tends to continue the contractions, but the water from the bowel has not yet "reached" the rectum. That is, bowel contractions without immediate expulsion of water or excreta. These contractions need to be slightly suppressed "against the will of the body" (calming the sphincter and bowel) and leaving the opening relaxed for the moment of actual need. In time you will develop a technique that suits you. For example, combined partial and forceful pushing to manage involuntary contractions. You will manage the enema faster without discomfort. At the end of the expulsion, it is advisable to push while standing and cover the rectum with toilet paper. This will usually expel the last of the residue that would otherwise be released during sexual play.

After an enema, the anus is more sensitive to abrasion, so give it plenty of a suitable lubricant or cream. Therefore, use it only if the inserted device is pressing you due to insufficient emptying. You can tell by feeling.

The effective and least demanding deep enema technique is lubrication and deep insertion of a tubular anal douche and simultaneous inflation and expulsion (about 10 to 15 minutes). For an extreme enema, the best large syringe 350 - 500ml.

An extreme syringe enema is perverse, intense with minimal negative body reactions. The body can handle the most water in the anus, and the bowel resists the least. Other enema techniques take up to an hour and are unnecessarily more irritating or expensive (bag of fluid for hanging).

An extreme enema is not always possible. If your limit is e.g. 2.5 liters. Sometimes the body only accepts 1 liter and you feel that you can't do more. As a rule, this means that the intestines are not fully freed from excrement. You can't influence it much by will or other efforts. In that case, it is better to leave reaching the limit for another time. As a rule, a deep enema will slightly reduce the desire for extreme training and the pleasantness of introducing aids. With an extreme enema, this is slightly more true.

Extreme anal practices

Aids: TIME 1h or 2h every day, warm room, enema shower hose, deer tallow a special fisting cream, soft anal pins or dildos, towel under the body

Before and after the enema, insert some deer tallow into the anus. Deer tallow protects the mucous membrane of the rectum and intestines during enema. During anal sex, it makes the walls of the anus slippery even if the standard lubricant gel dries. Lubricant deer tallow remains in the body after the workout and helps tissue healing. For extreme anal sex practices, the best lubricant is the main lubricant lubricating creams. Not to be confused with simple lubricating oils (very bad - too thin layer does not protect the tissue from injury) and fat creams - vaseline, fat (not slippery enough or too thin layer). See more Test anal lubricating creams.

To start with, insert a thin long artificial penis to relax the anus and the muscles around the anus and bowel. This will also lubricate the mucous membranes with deer tallow and then lubricating cream. For very high slipperiness, a 3rd lubricating layer can be added as a classic gel. It is possible to alternate between thin long pins for deep stretching and thick shorter ones for wide stretching. This will give the mucous membranes and surrounding muscles time to relax.

You can see from the initial picture that the intestine turns to the left behind the rectum from the person's own view. But basically you never know what angle the end of your inserted artificial penis is to the actual section of tissue. You simply push the anal toy in the direction where it doesn't hurt or hurts the least.

Despite the pain in the short term, you will achieve faster results. But in the long run, the subsequent healing will cost you more time than if you train with no or minimal pain. Pins thicker than 5cm must be very soft. Otherwise it is a waste of time and a higher risk of tissue damage. Read more about Ideal toy hardness 7.5HC (relaxed muscle hardness) and its advantages.

It will take you about 45 minutes to stretch properly, even with the enema. You will move or masturbate while doing this and end up very warm similar to prolonged sex or brisk walking. You will also be left with a light mess and feel like cleaning it up first and then going to the shower in peace. The cleaning can wait. Shower and dress first to keep warm and comfortable. Also, don't go cleaning up after your run.

Pulling the rectum into the prolapse with a vacuum pump

It will provide an interesting sight - temporary anal prolapse even to the less trained. It is necessary to dose in moderation and safely know how to drop the arousal from the pump (reduce the vacuum). Try it on yourself first. The line between pleasurable and painful is relatively close. Even a low-powered pump is sufficient. But for extreme or intense "prolapse" you need stronger automatic pumps.

What not to try

If you push the anal toy all the way into the bowel past the bend of the sigmoid colon (e.g. with another dildo), it can get stuck there. It pushes a lot, but you can't go to the toilet like with constipation. Our tester's body dealt with it after about 90 minutes. It was the first time he was really scared despite many drastic experiences. It was just a matter of letting it run its course and time and it took care of itself. If you still want to try it, push the anal toy with the wider end forward so that the narrower end in the sigmoid colon can come out more easily.

Risk of staining the toy with excrement

Applies to light PVC toys due to porosity (More Sex Toy Materials). TPE and silicone toys basically don't suffer from this. Condom is unnecessarily expensive to protect toys. Condom also tears more in the aggressive and confined space of the rectum. Especially on a gadget that is usually stiffer than a human penis and almost always on a large gadget. The best anal lubricants, among others, are not even usable with a condom (see Anal lubricant test). We recommend an enema and one piercing dildo, which partially scoops up the remaining excrement. These first excretions stain the most. Toys are extra susceptible after consuming large amounts of alcohol, especially red wine.

related articles:

Anal Lubricant Test - Point Comparison

How to get a female friend for anal sex

32 thoughts on “Anální sex, klystýr, extrémní praktiky – zkušenosti”
  1. Anonym

    I like enemas. Because I practice it long enough, I can manage 4 litres at slow filling, with my legs hanging on the trapeze. The feeling of filling is wonderful, sometimes I repeat the filling three times. Because I apply the enema at least three times a week, I have virtually no normal stools at all. The enema is just wonderful. Dominik

  2. Anonym

    Hello, I need advice on how to overcome the first kink. I'm scared to go through the pain and it just won't go in even with enough lube. The dildo is an elastic 5 x 70 cm.
    With the short dildo I am at 9 cm diameter, but I would like to go deep :o) just with the narrower one. Thanks for the advice.

  3. Editorial staff

    5cm is too much, if you are starting out, try 4cm max. If you gradually push the dildo inwards and your bowels occasionally outwards (as you would expel) it should work.

  4. Anonym

    I am a 27-year-old woman and petite at 5'1" and 102 lbs. My boyfriend is 47 and has a penis that is 11 inches long when erect with a diameter of 1.8 inches. We regularly have anal sex about six or seven times each week. The only lube we use is his saliva on my anus. I do not enjoy pain, but I am submissive by nature, so I always submit to anal sex with him whenever he requests it, knowing that it will stretch my sphincter muscles painfully wide and cause me to cry. However, I always willingly endure this severe but temporary agony for up to four hours during a session in order to accommodate his penis through the full length of my rectum and into a part of my sigmoid colon. If he goes the full four hours, he will deliver up to 14,400 anal thrusts that are "balls deep." During a session, he is able to ejaculate up to 12 times and to remain hard throughout. If I object, resist, and/or disappoint him in any way, I shall be punished immediately after the anal sex session in order to improve my future discipline. For punishment, I shall lie nude and face down on a bed with my wrists and ankles tightly secured to four bedposts. Then, with a leather belt, he shall whip my buttocks and/or the backs of my thighs, with an occasional errant strike touching my calf muscles and/or my back. A total of 86 lashes shall be delivered, and after each I shall count out loud.

  5. Anonym

    how do I start exercising my anus so that a rose appears on the outside of my bottom?


  6. Editorial staff

    Prolapse will only occur after a long time and sufficient relaxation of the rectum with large toys, probably the fastest way to achieve this is with inflatable toys and toys from liquid silicone.

  7. Anonym

    It's absolutely true aboout hemorrhoids being better after chronic (several years) of regular anal stimulation with a dildo. Mine were operated on twice (actually a birth defect) and they still came back because I am on Morphine for severe arthritis and that drug just jams the whole system up like a Los Angeles freeway. My danger came from using a too-hard dildo. I was great, the vibe feature got me off but, about a week after a particularly vigorous session, I had a large plaque of tissue fall (yes, fall, no cramps or straining, it just expelled) out of my rectum. It was about 8cm X 3cm and cordoury textured like the tripe sold in the meat markket. There was no blood or any fluids at all, and happily, no pain. Nevertheless, I freaked just a bit and showed it to my wife, who is a nurse and fully knowledgable of my proclivities. She suggested that this was, what amounted to as a "shedded surface of a butt callous". Essentially, I had caused enough friction to the lining of the rectum to damage the mucosa to the point that it died and, in time, came off just as any callous or blister would do. However, she did warn me that this was my body's way of issuing an ultimatum about too hard toys. I could just as easily have worn the surface so deeply that I would have ruptured the rectum when it was full of fecal matter. This would have led to a severe and possibly deadly infection, and more surgery. Of course, the hospital staff would have made some embarrassing assumptions about my "injury", which would have been far more painful than anything else I had suffered. The hard toy went into the rubbish. I gave my butt a two week vacation, where, the hemorrhoids began to come back. Now, we have adopted a periodic, gentler "couple's therapy" that does the same function, but is quite a bit more fun than going it alone. And with no more callouses.

  8. Anonym

    My schedule prooves tuff sometimes, my question is do I need to cleanse for 12 to 13 inch dildos? I enjoy spontaneous visits to my master suite for 20-30 minutes backed onto a thick 2.5-3inch dildo. Over share but want to here the risks if any.

  9. Extasica redaction

    For such a big dildo an anema is definitely recommended. When ommitted, the faeces remaints will scratch ur tissue. U will suffer more from pain as ur faeces will be pushed into ur body and u can bring constipation on u.

  10. Anonymous

    Do silicone dildos mind the unperfumed deer tallow? Doesn't it damage the surface of the dildo? Thank you

  11. Extasica redaction

    No, liquid premium silicone doesn't mind any gels. Medical grade silicone (old hard silicone) is bothered by silicone gels.

  12. Jule

    Hey, wie kann ich die erste kurve gerade machen? Bitte genauer erklären.

  13. Extasica redaction

    Gradually. There's no special technique for that. For some people it can take a few weeks or months.

  14. Extasica redaction

    Train gradually. There's no special technique for that. Some people take a few weeks or months. Use liquid thin anal plugs with a diameter of 3cm made of liquid silicone.

  15. Anonym

    I started with 3cm diameter toys. After about a year of training, an 8cm dildo comes in and every few weeks I want a bigger one.


    Hello. I started with a 2.4 diameter and worked up to 2.8. I'm trying to put in a 3.3 diameter plug and it's not working. There's a bit of blood coming out. What do you advise to keep trying a little harder. I would like to eventually put in a 3.6 diameter toy. Please advise me how to go about it.

  17. Extasica redaction

    Gradually try. After a few weeks, it'll work. The smaller diameter is no longer worth it. Even the faeces of small children are, for example, 4.5 cm in diameter. An adult should be able to handle a 3cm diameter easily.


    How often to rehearse. Can I rehearse every day or intermittently. When I try to put in a 3.3 diameter, it hurts. Do I keep pushing in despite the pain? I have no idea how to break it. Maybe some special plough that has 2 cm at the beginning and 4 cm at the end. One without Lulek, just gently increasing the diameter.

  19. Extasica redaction

    Very little pain and very little blood is not ideal, but it is a normal part of anal sex play. There's fine muscle around the bowels. In a small amount, it relaxes in a few minutes. On a larger scale, it can enlarge in weeks or months. You can practice 2 or 3 times a day. Be patient. It will get better later. This also applies if you have an abnormal narrowing of the rectum or bowel.


    It's me again. I've been breaking the barrier for three days. The 3.3 cork came in. Today, the bleeding started. Should I continue daily training or maybe take a break. The second question is whether there are actually gels that strongly anesthetize... Thank you and greetings.

  21. Extasica redaction

    Minor bleeding doesn't matter. It'll heal even if you keep going every day. We don't recommend numbing gels. They make it easier for a man to injure himself. Pain is meant to warn.


    Thank you for your advice. I'll keep trying
    . I'll see if it works. Regards


    Hi, I have a question how long can I wear a medium sized anal plug? Medium means 4,5 cm in the anus and about 3 cm on the leg where the sphincter clamps. I like anal plugs very much and even like to wear them all day long but I would like to make sure if I can ?

  24. Extasica redaction

    You can wear a small plug like this indefinitely. It will not damage your muscles or mucous membranes.


    How small do you think it is? Are the ones I gave counted as such and I can wear it all the time and even sleep with it ?

  26. Extasica redaction

    For example, all gemstone anal plugs can be considered small and you can even sleep with them. Silicone or steel pegs are the most suitable for long term wear.

  27. Leporello

    Sziasztok! 38 éves ffi vagyok. 2 hete egy M-es mértű, fém análdugó volt a fenekemben kb. 2 órán keresztül és elélvezéskor is az anusomban volt. Közben volt bennem egy normál, kb 4 cm átmérőjű vibrator is, amin "lovagoltam" pár percig...
    Miután elélveztem éreztem, hogy szokatlanul sajogtam hátul, székelési ingerem volt. Másnap enyhe szúró erzést éreztem az anusomban, mikor összeszorítottam, de aztán elmúlt. 8 nappal később ismét fel akartam helyezni anal plugot és az az azt megelőző tisztálkodásnál az ujjammal egy nagyobb hámréteget vettem ki a fenekemből. Csak ezt követően esett le, hogy az volt az. Doesn't it have a free 8 nap alatt???
    Azóta eltelt 4 nap és még mindig megvan ez a szúró erzés, amikor befeszítem az anusom Gyanítom, hogy kisebb repedés lehet? Semmi vér nem jelentkezett egyszer sem a 2 hét alatt!
    Amúgy gyakorlott análkedvelő vagyok, de ilyen még nem történt velem és aggaszt a dolog. Remélem a későbbiekben fogok tudni újra használni segédeszközt.
    Ti jártatok már így valaha?
    Köszi a válaszokat előre is!

  28. Extasica redaction

    Yes. Added to the article at the end of the section "Hemorrhoids and fissures (fissuring)".

  29. EEgape

    Vilka analpluggar skulle ni rekommendera om man min kunna andvända dom offentligt men även vill att dom ska töjja en del är van vid 4,5 i diameter så skulle vilja ha något lite större som också är bekvämt, och en liten extra fråga vilken ställning är bäst om man ensam vill gapa sin anal?

  30. Thomas Maier

    Hello. Many thanks for the informative article. Ich überlege seit längerem ob ich mir so einen 3cm x 1m Plug kaufen soll. Ich hätte da total Lust drauf. Ich habe aber immernoch Angst mich damit zu verletzen. How high is the risk? Then I should start with something else. I have had a great deal of experience in the past, but not with such thin plugs. Thank you very much for your advice!

  31. Extasica redaction

    On you can see women introducing even 1,5m plugs. Apparently they curl up in their body (i.e. the real depth will be maybe half). As long as you respect the pain, there should be no damage to the bowel, surrounding muscle or other tissue. With minor damage, the bowel has the ability to heal.

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Fantasy dildos

Exciting trunks, dinosaurs, snakes, dragon and dog dildos.


Clinic sex

Urethral dilators, gynaecological mirrors or penis cages.