Extasica s.r.o.

tel: (+420) 608 704 884

e-mail: info@extasica.com (for marketing offers marketing@extasica.com)

It is also possible to communicate in English and German.



Svatoslavova 554/1, 140 00 Prague 4 Nusle (photo below), Map Below

You can usually reach us 7:00-19:30. We do not have fixed opening hours, we recommend calling at least 60 minutes in advance.

Payment: Cash, Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, GPay, ApplePay

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Brothers Synk Square (tram 11,14,18, bus 193), Otakarova (tram 6,7,24), metro Vysehrad (8-10min.)

Bank transfer. One account for all currencies.

Account No.: 1174918/2060 (account number in IBAN format: CZ83 2060 0000 0000 0117 4918 ).


Account name (account owner): Extasica s.r.o., the address of the account owner is the same as the address of the registered office of Extasica s.r.o.: Družstevní ochoz 1378/21, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

The name of the financial institution holding the account: Citfin, savings cooperative, Radlická 751/113e, Prague 5, Czech Republic

Variable symbol (or reason for fulfilment) = order no.


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