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How to choose reprimands, whip

Tips on how to choose a reprimand and whip. More detailed information for each product in the whips and reprimands category. Whips and canes Finest category. Suitable for beginners. Very easy to dispense.

How to recognise genuine leather

Recommendations and tips on how to know the real skin. Photos of skin under a microscope. Summary: Only a small part of genuine dyed leathers (properly "leather") or good quality non-genuine leathers can be recognized by feel.

Silicone Dolls - What to Expect

Description of the advantages and negatives of silicone dolls. Silicone doll brands and professional experience with them. Recommendations on which doll to choose and how to care for it. Purpose and

Sex Toy Testing

How do we test and measure sex toys in the sex shop before marketing? Measuring the hardness of dildos and other sex toys We measure the hardness of sex toys with a C durometer

Safety in BDSM play - lessons learned

Lessons learned for BDSM, restraint, enhancement of submissiveness and dominance Allergic reaction test First test the toys for an allergic reaction: apply to the skin for a few minutes for at least an hour


Fantasy dildos

Exciting trunks, dinosaurs, snakes, dragon and dog dildos.


Clinic sex

Urethral dilators, gynaecological mirrors or penis cages.