Hello.I would like to ask you if you have any experience with wearing the women's micro bikini, which you offer in your shop (see link below), in public swimming pools and wellness in the Czech Republic? I lost a bet and now I will have to buy something like this. I'd hate to wear them and then get thrown out y the pool because of a substandard swimsuit.
Thank you.Regards K. (name has been anonymised to protect the interviewer)
Summary: Mini bikinis cover intimate areas and leave a loose background, which is commonly accepted at swimming pools. This makes expulsion from the swimming pool extremely unlikely. In the Czech Republic, and presumably in Western EU countries, this is neither an offence nor a criminal offence.
First of all, check the swimming pool's visitor regulations. For example, the Podolí Prague swimming stadium refers to good manners. This can be interpreted very strictly or loosely. It is common for women to swim there without bras or bikinis with only a strip on their buttocks. The micro bikinis referred to should therefore pass. If a swimming pool was not specified in the bet, a nude beach is a sure bet. Some swimming pools even have separate sections for nudists, which are sometimes not commonly known about. From a hygiene point of view, then, there is no difference in swimming without a swimsuit and with a swimsuit. Except for children and possibly individuals who perhaps don't even go in the pool, where swimsuits prevent excrement from escaping. Therefore, swimwear is usually required for swimming in the pool. What is problematic is regular clothing made of non-swimming material and that is not the case here.
The mini bikini covers intimate areas and leaves the bottom loose. This is commonly accepted at swimming pools, so the offence of § 5 (e) of Act No. 251/2016 Coll. of the Czech Republic. The element of fault (intent or negligence) will not be met because you have lived in the belief, supported by long experience at swimming pools, that no one can be offended by this act at a swimming pool today. Quite possibly the objective aspect would not be met either - i.e. that wearing the bikini in question at a swimming pool no longer even has the capacity to cause public outrage in Western countries today. With regard to wellness, the situation will be even looser.
Even with full nudity in a normal swimming pool in Western countries, it would probably not be an offence, as the public would not be offended.
It's certainly not a crime. The offence of rioting does not qualify the conduct in question at all, cf. § 358 of Act No. 40/2009 Coll. Criminal Code of the Czech Republic.
Fulfilling the elements of a misdemeanor would be questionable in Western countries even in the case of nudity in an ordinary public space, such as a street. For example, naked protests, runs or bike rides are common in Western countries without public outrage.
Wishing you a pleasant experience JUDr. Ing. Vladimír Koranda, Ph.D., Extasica editorial team