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Help Extasica with logo selection

Dear friends,

my name is Karol Polak :), I'm not bullshitting. We don't know how to reach customers 🙂 literally and figuratively. We are starting with marketing, we are thinking about changing the brand and logo.

Tell us your opinion in the comments or by email.

1. Web and logo Extasica or Sperminka? Which do you like better? Just by ear, don't look at what the logos look like yet. Let us know why you decided that way (what you feel about the words Extasica / Sperminka).

Provisional survey people around and customers: So far, 2/3 definitely for Extasica. 1/3 not so definitely for Sperminka.

Emotions so far from the survey for Extasica: + large professional international company, dignity

- hard to remember, snobbish

Emotions from the Sperminka poll so far: + concreteness, memorability

- small company (Czech branch of Extasica), as a mom, embarrassing.

2.Choose the logo design you like the most from the picture. If Sperminka came out of the survey. We will have more different logos created. For now we have the following in the drawer.

For now, you can choose from:

"current" (current logo), "old" (old logo) and designs N1-N7

Thank you for your opinion, interest and help.

JUDr. Ing. Vladimír Koranda, Ph.D., owner of Extasica

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