Adhesive bra

7,18 8,08 


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Invisible adhesive bra

thin version (3mm thickness) firms the breasts (flesh colour)

thick variant (thickness 10mm centre, 4mm edge) and enlarged (colour orange)


B 125 x 90mm, 84g (3mm version) or 160g (10mm version)

C 130 x 90mm 92g (3mm version) or 174g (10mm version)

soft TPE

Instructions:The cups are glued to the breast after removing the foil, covering the adhesive surface. Silicone allows for trimming into dress as needed. Very soft to the touch and comfortable material. Very soft, very soft material, but you can distinguish it from real breasts by touch.

Další informace

Hmotnost N/A
invisible bra

B thin, B thick, C thin, C thick


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