Sex newspaper

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We carefully test quality toys from all over the world for you.

Only 1 product out of 100 will go on sale. More about the methodology here >>

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How to choose a sex toy

Criteria for choosing the right sex toy Hardness of sex toys Softness is important for larger sex toys. For small sex toys up to 3.5cm in diameter, hardness does not play a role

Sex Toy Materials

Materials of sexual aids - silicone, TPE, TPR, PVC, leather, liquid silicone, etc. Description of characteristic features, qualities and disadvantages. Share of materials on the market of erotic aids for

Elephant trunk dildo XL grey

Sex Toy Trends 2021

The definite trend for sex toys in 2021 is dildos made of high quality material (liquid silicone). Sometimes the term premium silicone or platinum silicone is also used (not to be confused

Gang bang - go first or last?

One morning in September, I come into the office and a colleague asks me, "How would you like to go about group sex, but my colleague had a real

Reviews of erotic dating sites

In this review we compare Czech erotic dating sites for August 2021, the most frequently mentioned and probably the biggest on the Czech internet -, For addition Amatéř (very marginally

mini bikini in public

Mini bikini in public

Hello.I would like to ask you if you have any experience with wearing the women's micro bikini, which you offer in your shop (see link below), at a public swimming pool.

Sex Toy Repair

PVC can often be glued together. Surface distortion (up to 1 mm) o) Smooth surfaces of rigid TPE or PVC can be smoothed with a heated spoon. But at the same time, this makes the surface slightly

Erofest Prague 8-9 November 2019

  Below the title are photos from our stand. More photos from the whole erotic exhibition in links to and Marcus Wang's reportage. Future: 2020 either

Electro sex toys and experience

Sexual play and experiences with electricity in the vagina, anus, penis, nipples and other intimate erotic areas of the body. Sexual play with electricity. We like electricity


Fantasy dildos

Exciting trunks, dinosaurs, snakes, dragon and dog dildos.


Clinic sex

Urethral dilators, gynaecological mirrors or penis cages.