Exciting toys Stone shop: Svatoslavova 554/1, Prague 4 - Nusle
Reviews F-Machine Alpha Fuck Machine Fucking Machine

Ratings 80%
The most powerful mass-produced fucking machine we have tested. Stronger may be the very noisy HiSmith Servok (below).
The best mass-produced fucking machine, if we don't look at the price.
The price-performance ratio of the Alpha Fuck Machine fucking machine is higher than that of its predecessor, the Fuck Machine 4 Pro. However, it still falls short of the price-performance ratio of the fucking machine Enhot Fuck Machinewhich is almost as powerful, 4x cheaper, quieter and only slightly worse in a few areas that won't matter to many people.
Parameters - see product description
F-Machine Alpha Fuck Machine
15 292,8 kr
No complaints at all. Practical bag. Everything well protected by thick padding. Machine 7 kg. Legs 4kg. Packaging, accessories 1,5kg. The box is strong and has a new 2nd paper ceiling on top to prevent the bag from being cut through when opening the box.

First assembly 20 minutes. Next assembly 5 minutes. Faster than the competition. All you need is an Allen tool with a handle. Screw the rod in and secure it from the side with another screw according to the instructions. When loosening the bar, loosen the side screw only slightly, otherwise it will fall out into the body of the machine and you will have to unscrew the whole bonnet!
When purchased in winter, assemble and allow condensed moisture to dry for 12 hours and Only after 12 hours switch on! Especially in the inner part, condensed moisture is not visible.
The foot mount has no pads and rubs off the black comaxite paint on the surface. It tale seen only when disassembled. Tighten the screws on the legs properly and check tightening continuously or the screws will loosen when you fuck and handle. You'll know when they're loose by the increased vibration of the machine.
A shorter bar is recommended as standard for less leverage and better contact with the machine, e.g. when holding the machine with the feet. The longer bar is suitable if another active partner wants to join the machine (between the machine and the passive partner).
Machine storage and size scale
Turning the machine to a vertical position takes up minimal space and minimally disrupts the aesthetics of the room.

Safety - very good
The Alpha Fuck Machine fucking machine is fully covered. There is no risk of breaking fingers or damaging the cable. The manufacturer encourages keeping the machine under supervision and away from children at all times. It is still possible to be hit by the fucking rod. In the worst case, an eye could be poked out. But basically, just hide the cable or the controller.
Pad - protection against deep penetration, protection against dildo damage, better dildo penetration
Now a circular pad can be placed on the rod to prevent the dildo from penetrating too deeply into the body. The pad is hidden by the dildo can. The rod will not penetrate that deep into the body during normal use. Unless you want it to and then you don't need the pad.
But the pad helps to protect the Vacu Lock dildos from tearing the dildos from the inside. The dildo rests on the pad and relieves the pressure on the tip of the Vacu Lock adapter (at the tip of the rod). Plus, a pad-supported dildo doesn't compress as much on the adapter and penetrates the body better.
Design - crude but finally at least some design
Without a doubt the nicest fucking machine on the market. The design is in its infancy and there is still a lot of catching up to do, especially for the price. But finally, sex machines are moving from a completely simple functional look to at least some aesthetics and raw industrial design. So we have finally entered the prehistory of fuck machine design. In addition to the earlier comaxity of the surface and thicker legs, the complete covering and transparency of the mechanics is a major contributing factor. Activating the machine to standby mode turns on the backlight, which also makes the other half of the internal mechanics more transparent.
Positions, set position strength and stability
Extreme position flexibility. The best of the fucking machines. It also allows vertical fucking while standing up. New pads under the quick clamping levers to prevent scratching the leg paint. These pads and strong legs also ensure the strength of the positioning despite the large weight levers and pressures on the positioning joints. The vibrations and clearances of the connections are relatively small despite the above forces.
The machine is easy to carry. Thanks to the full hood of the mechanic, you don't have to worry about the cable or your own legs, which can support the stability of the machine in most positions.
There is also a rod a few cm shorter in the package. It can be useful if you want vertical fucking while standing up. The machine unit can also be positioned lower so that it touches the ground.
Despite the lightness of the machine, non-slip pads provide better stability on the carpet than suction cups. On linoleum the stability is excellent - comparable to suction cups. On wood, tile and stone the machine does not hold and needs to be clamped e.g. with a board.
Changing the loading depth on the fly
Yes this is really good - comfortable and intense. But it comes with a high price tag. Even with conventional fucking machines without variable length thrusting on the fly, you can position your body and change the thrusting variability.
Video Alpha Fuck Machine shows the change of the depth of feed on the fly from 2.5cm to 13.3cm: The video shows the minimum speed and the minimum depth of retraction. The load is then increased to max depth at max speed and back to min minimum depth. The speed is then reduced and the machine stopped.
The change in the depth of fill is sufficient. A greater change in depth would cause the dildos to bend and fall out.
Control via remote control and mobile phone and internet
A remote control is a must for a fucking machine today. Mobile control is becoming increasingly important for machines with variable insertion depth. The control is perfect. Just hold the buttons on the mobile and the button will gradually cycle through the entire range of speeds and depths. There is no need to tap like on the micro switches of remote controls. BlueTooth control responds without delay.
Given the multiple control options, it also makes sense to control via the internet. The controlling partner must also have the app installed. The controlled sends him a link created by the application. A slight delay is to be expected for Internet control.
Bug : On Android, if you press the "back" key, the app locks up and continues standing. The app needs to be switched off and on and then the machine can be controlled further.
Remote control untested. Due to the more comfortable control on a mobile phone we do not see a use for it and would prefer a cheaper machine without a remote control.
Higher noise level despite manufacturer's claims
In its active state, the Aplha Fuck Machine fucking machine is completely silent, unlike its predecessors of the same brand F-Machine.
During operation, the machine is quite noisy already at low speed of about 50 dB and with increasing power it goes up to 65 dB. Here reality clashes with the misleading descriptions of the manufacturer and other sex shops. The motor is theoretically quiet, but the gears and mechanics match the noise of a very noisy vibrator or the noise of its predecessor, the Fuck Machine Pro 4. In use, this is more disturbing to the person observing. The partner being fucked by the machine is immersed in intense fucking by the machine.
Even if we don't count the noise when changing depth, but only the speed, the competition is quieter.
Video Alpha Fuck Machine shows the noise level
Engine power
The 4Nm output is good this time. It seems to push 40kg vertically in the upward direction just fine and is therefore according to the manufacturer 1.75x stronger in our opinion 2. stronger than the Fuck Machine 4 Pro. It is the strongest fucking machine we have tested that can tighten any size dildos. The engine is more powerful than the Enhot Sex Machine, but only by a little. The engine is ample and almost limitless, unlike its predecessor and competitors. We would still welcome a slightly - 10 - 20% more powerful engine. Unlike its predecessor, the Fuck Machine 4 Pro, the motor does not heat up even after several tens of minutes of fucking.
The engine is relatively small. We'll find out the wattage.
The safety is activated only at high back pressure and unblocks itself again when the back pressure drops. When the application is terminated or remote access is interrupted, the machine stops. But in principle, we were not limited by this.

Adapters for other dildos
Only the Vacu Lock attachment is present. Attachment for other dildos than Vacu Lock - Universal Suction Base Adapter must be purchased. The quick release on the rod must be properly tightened otherwise it pops out. In this respect, it is more uncertain than the competition, but with a good push it is o.k.
Feelings - intense, carefree and longer
The sensations are very intense as with other powerful fucking machines. Due to the higher strength, also higher intensity and continuity of sensations. You also don't worry about the safety of the cable, your feet or the cleanliness of the controller. Because unlike the remote, the mobile can't be clogged. Stability is also slightly higher than the competition and positions more flexible. The comfort intensity is deepened by the variable remote control retraction.
Due to the possibility of a perfect release above, you let yourself get fucked more and longer and your anus opens up into a bigger circle as opposed to just mounting a dildo without a fucking machine or as opposed to a less tuned fucking machine.
For a fucking machine, soft dildos are almost a must
Don't forget that you will enjoy the fucking machine most with high softness dildos. They won't hurt you. They open you up intensely and massage you from the inside. Dilda Extasica are made in an ideal softness of 7.5HC - i.e. one third hardness against the market standard.
Minor aesthetic defect in the design of each machine
Where the bolts connect the legs and the support bar, the washer and the support bar are not well ground. This inevitably leads to scratching of the comaxite paint on the legs on the inside. The scratch is only visible when unfolded. But with prolonged use and more damage it can be seen even in the assembled state.
Price/performance ratio
If we look at the price in terms of price-performance ratio - the view of most users - is significantly better Enhot Sex Machine.
The Alpha Fuck Machine costs 4 times as much as fucking machines with comparable performance. However, unlike its overpriced and not very successful predecessor (Fuck Machine Pro 4), the Alpha Fuck Machine is perfected or at least satisfactory in many areas.
For half the price, we would evaluate 100%. In order to get to half price, we as sellers would have to discount the customer a lot from our purchase price... Even the margin of the sex shops here is very low, which further increases the disadvantage of the machine in terms of price performance (relative overpriced against the competition).
More also in the article Comparison of the best fucking machines
Only the base including one hard dildo 20,3cm. But in this way, it is no different from the competition, except for the Enhot Sex Machine in the Extasica version with extra accessories. Can be purchased quite expensively Adapter for any medium or smaller dildos without Vacu Lock.