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Anal lube test

We evaluate and score the friction, protection and user comfort of lubricants during anal play and the introduction of larger toys into the anus.
How vaginal and anal lubricant differ
A good sexual lubricant generally has a more consistent struture and forms small clumps of lubricant in the body. This is just the protective layer against friction with an inserted penis or sex toy and the rubbing of food debris against the vaginal or intestinal wall lining.
In most cases, the lubricant can be used for both vaginal and anal use and the lubricant is not specifically intended for vaginal or anal use. The anal differs from the vagina in having a more sensitive mucous membrane and food debris in the rectum and intestines. Therefore, a higher density lubricant that forms a thicker layer is suitable for anal sex. This protects the mucous membrane from friction and abrasions from food debris. This is best ensured sexual lubricating creams.
Lubricating creams also known as fisting lubricants
Lubricating creams on oil or fat base is the top category for demanding anal play e.g. big dildos or fisting. Not to be confused with oils and conventional oil-based lubricants - these are on the contrary completely inadequate (more later).
The thick texture of the lubricant creates a thicker layer that stays on the mucous membrane and protects it. This will reduce friction, pain and discomfort when introducing objects into the anus to zero or the lowest possible level of any lubricant available.
Sexual play can cause small wounds on the tissue, especially the anal mucosa, by stretching the tissue too much or rubbing it against food debris. Cream lubricants usually contain substances such as medicated vaseline or oils with similar properties, which cover the disrupted tissue and prevent the disrupted mucosa from drying out. This reduces the risk of minor inflammation and accelerates the healing of the broken mucous membrane.
Fist creams also often have an anti-fungal disinfectant ingredient and do not burn in the body (unlike most water-based lubricants).
Absolute test winner - Elbow Grease Original Cream - Highest comfort 150 points from 155
Conclusion: The best anal lube, if we don't look at the price. But quite expensive. A good choice for those who don't have deep pockets. Also, if your partner isn't totally a fan of anal sex and you want the best for him. Let him focus on anal play and not on the shortcomings of the lube (that it doesn't smell, doesn't look nice, etc). I use this on a woman who is sensitive to anal burning. I have a cheaper one for myself.
Elbow Grease Original Cream28,25 € – 103,73 €Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
Frictional and mechanical comfort. Best consistency mechanically: i.e. the strongest protective layer and the highest friction and mechanical comfort. Produced since 1978. 50b (max)
Quick application. 3b (max)
No anal burning at all. 50b (max). The main advantage against cheaper competitors.
It won't dry out. After sex you still feel the reserve in the anus. 10b. (max)
Does not leave a greasy feeling in the anus. 2b. (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation.
Slightly pleasant smell with a hint of coconut. Compared to similar competitors, no chemical disinfectants or other substances are smelled. The manufacturer can be trusted to have redesigned the formula to make the cream as natural as possible. The second main advantage against cheaper competitors.
Ideal consistency visually and in terms of handling: a nice cream. 10b. (max) The third main advantage against cheaper competitors.
Easy closing. Other similar creams have a snap-on lid that you push on several times and often leave it partially open.
Cons: Expensive as expensive skin creams
Small pack cheap: no 0p (max 1p)
The 5 year shelf life / one year after opening is a bonus over other lubricants (2 years / 1 year). But no extra points because you use it up much faster.
Cobeco Lubricating Cream Fists - Best value for money 128 points
Conclusion: our recommended choice. If you want to save money and you don't have a completely demanding partner, it offers basically the same as Elbow Grease, but significantly cheaper, with minor shortcomings. The 500ml pack is slightly better than the almost identical Mister B Double F-Fist Cream 500ml for the same price.
Cobeco Pharma Lubricating Cream Fists 500ml14,76 €Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
Frictional and mechanical comfort. Excellent consistency mechanically: i.e. the strongest protective layer and the highest friction and mechanical comfort. Compared to Elbow Grease only slightly inferior mechanically. 47b (max 50)
Quick application. 3b (max)
It won't dry out. After sex, you still feel the reserve in the anus. Only slightly worse than Elbow Grease. 9b (max 10)
It doesn't burn in the anus. If it does, it's almost imperceptible. 37b (max 50). Extasica testers are quite sensitive to the burning of lubricants in the anus compared to the general population and do not feel the burning here. Still, we have feedback from one customer that unlike the Elbow Grease it burns slightly. We have reflected this customer feedback in the scoring.
Does not leave a greasy feeling and anal. 2b (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation.
A light touch of coconut. Slightly, only when sniffed very closely, there is also a chemical smell of disinfectants.
Nice creamy consistency. More jelly-like, less beautiful to look at than Elbow Grease and only slightly more jelly-like than Doble F-Fist Cream. Compared to Elbow grease a bit worse - thinner. 8b (max 10)
Packaging and handling. It does not leak at all. You can tip it onto the bed when tipping it over. One has to open the lid several times or properly check the squeeze. Elbow Grease packaging also looks slightly better visually. 3b (max 4)
Small pack cheap: no 0p (max 1p)
Mister B Double F-Fist Cream - Excellent value for money 121 points
Conclusion: Slightly worse than Elbow Grease, but much cheaper. Mechanically and functionally identical to Cobeco Lubricating Cream Fists for the same price, only almost imperceptibly worse in some secondary characteristics - slightly higher disinfectant smell and worse consistency.
Mister B Double-F Fist Cream 500 ml20,09 €Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
Frictional and mechanical comfort. Excellent consistency mechanically: i.e. the strongest protective layer and the highest friction and mechanical comfort. Compared to Elbow Grease only slightly but perceptibly inferior mechanically. 47b (max 50)
Quick application. 3b (max)
It won't dry out. After sex, you still feel the reserve in the anus. Only slightly worse than Elbow Grease. 9b (max 10)
It doesn't burn in the anus. If it does, it's almost imperceptible. Some extremely sensitive customers, however, will be slightly burned. 37b (max 50)
Does not leave a greasy feeling and anal. 2b (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation.
A light touch of coconut. If you sniff very carefully, there is also a very slight chemical smell of disinfectants. 5b (max 10)
Nice creamy consistency. Slightly inferior to Elbow grease - a bit gelatinous. 8b (max 10)
Packaging and handling. Very lightly fluid. You can tip it onto the bed when you roll it over. One has to close the lid several times or check the squeeze properly. Elbow Grease packaging also looks slightly better visually. 2b (max 5)
Small pack cheap: no 0p (max 1p)
Lubricating cream Boy Butter
6 % more expensive than Elbow Grease in a worse packaging. Otherwise, in terms of properties from the point of view of our test, completely identical - visually, mechanically, viscosity and smell. We give 0 therefore only 146points for the packaging for such an expensive cream. Although it carries butter in the name, it really is a lubricating cream in texture and properties, not a fat.
Oils (and common oil-based liquid lubricants) approx. 40 points
For lubricants for anal sex, a distinction should be made between oils and fats and oil-based lubricants. Oils such as Crisco, Slam Dung or sometimes even butter or cooking oil are widely promoted by some sex shops as anal lubricants. But that's nonsense. Oils, whether food grade or specialty lubricating oils for sex are completely unsuitable for anal sex. In our opinion, ales are also unsuitable for vaginal intercourse.
Not only do they often etch condoms (they don't get along with latex). But it creates a very thin layer that does less to reduce friction and does not protect the mucous membrane. With oil, you feel like the penis or the inserted dildo is cutting you inside. This is indeed the case, because the mucous membrane is minimally protected, unlike other lubricants. In addition, they leave a greasy environment. They won't help even in an emergency. These lubricants are worse than plain saliva and are thus suitable for maybe back massage, muscle massage or cooking.
Unlike cooking oils and fats, some cosmetic fats can form a thick protective layer to protect the mucous membranes. They are usually, with the exception of lard, less slippery. They are relatively good for embedding large objects in the body, but far from ideal.
Deer tallow - Winner of the lowest drying and highest healing effect category 125b
Conclusion: The best healing effects, the easiest deep insertion, handling and storage.
Regina Deer tallow 28g2,01 €Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
It has been produced since time immemorial. The basic use is on the lips, but it is also excellent for anal.
Frictional and mechanical comfort. Strong protective layer. Compared to lubricating creams, it has lower slipperiness and higher friction. Due to its initial stiffness, it is easier to insert deep into the anus. 25b (50max)
Quick application 2b (3b max)
Dries the least of all lubricants and creams tested. 10b (max)
It leaves a greasy feeling in the anus after sex, but it's not unpleasant. 0b
Does not burn in the anus. 50b (max)
The best healing effect of all tested. Longest of all, it promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of broken mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation. Therefore, it is also suitable as a complement to other anal lubricants for after-coating of the anus and sphincter after sexual play or in the following days.
Largely natural composition. Lightly scented. Completely free of industrial chemical odours. 9b (max 10)
Nice creamy consistency. 10b (max)
Packaging and handling. Easy closing. Solid cream is easy to store and transport. Compared to lubricating creams, it stays on the tools and soap is needed to wash it off. 3b (max 4)
Extra point for the fact that you can buy a small pack for the same price and test it well. 1b (max)
Homemade lard 127 - Highest price-performance ratio
Considerably better is lard. Homemade lard. No lard, of course. It's halfway between oils and oil-based lubricants. It creates a friction-reducing protective layer of greater thickness than oils or butters or just fats, but a thinner layer than cream-based lubes. It also provides protection against drying out the wound and thus accelerates healing. It can be a relatively inexpensive slightly worse and less comfortable alternative to cream anal lubricants. Not suitable for vagina and condoms. Leaves the mucous membrane very oily after intercourse. It may be less comfortable, but it does not harm the body (anal). Lard also smells a bit bad and can also stain clothes and bed linen quite badly compared to lubricants. Crisco looks like lard at first glance, but when heated has the texture and properties of oil - it only forms a thin layer and is not comfortable.
Whipped cream should have similarly good, slightly worse properties. However, it is unsuitable from a hygienic - bacterial point of view.
Conclusion: 113 points (out of 155 possible). Compared to the Elbow Grease it is about 1/3 or 1/4 the price and if you don't mind the slightly lower comfort, slight smell and mess around, it is the cheapest option with good performance.
Friction and mechanical comfort. 40b (max 50)
Quick application. 3b (max)
No anal burning at all. 50b (max)
It won't dry out. After sex you still feel the reserve in the anus. 10b. (max)
It leaves a greasy feeling and anal. 0p. (max 3)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation. 5p. (max 15)
Light natural smell. 5p. (max 15)
Ideal consistency visually and in terms of handling: a nice cream. 10b. (max)
handling: worse, makes a mess . 0b (max 4)
Slum Dunk Unscented 130b
Very similar to deer tallow, but slightly lower slipperiness and healing support. Conversely smells like cooking oil or lard but is not a natural product. The main thing is that it's called Unscented :). If this smell is supposed to be an improved version of the "Unscented" version, we wouldn't want to experience the Original :). Seriously. It's a very solid lube even for hardcore anal practices, but the competition offers more music for less money.
Cobeco Pharma MALE Butter Lubricant
Very stiff, basically medicated petroleum jelly. That's why we classify it as a grease and not a lubricant. Better than oils, but not slippery enough against creams. Similar to deer tallow, but not as good a healing aid. This doesn't make sense. In every way, there are other better alternatives. Somewhere between 110 and 120 points.
Lubricating gels
Classic sexual lubricating gels are for many the basis for comfortable casual sex. They are also sufficient for unpretentious anal sex. If your partner doesn't like anal sex and is only doing it for you, a lubricant or a better quality oil-based cream lubricant is suitable. Possibly in combination with a regular sex lubricant.
The vast majority of water- and oil-based lubricating gels burn more sensitive people in the anus and vagina thanks to anti-fungal additives. Silicone-based lubes suffer less from this. On average, regular sex lube gels would have about 75 points. If we were to score lubricating gels that don't burn in the anus (Male Lubricant Powder, Lona Strawberry, Raspberry, Silona, Water Glide Feel roughly like this:
Cobeco Male Lubricant Powder 225 g / 25 litres12,67 €Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
Waterglide Feel 300ml6,15 €Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
Conclusion in general for better water-based lubricants for anal use: 97b out of 158 possible
Mechanical and frictional comfort. Not ideal for anal sex 30b (max 50b)
Quick application. 0b (max 3)
No anal burning at all. 50b (max)
It's drying up. 0 (max 3b)
Does not leave a greasy feeling and anal. 3b. (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation. 0b. (max)
No chemical odours 10b. (max)
Ideal consistency visually and in terms of handling: they usually flow and can be handled 0b.
Packaging and handling. 0b (usually hard to fit into the anus)
Small pack cheap: usually yes 1b. (max)
Cobeco Male Lubricating Powder for anal use: 109b out of 158 possible
Mechanical and frictional comfort. Not ideal for anal sex 35b (max 50b)
Quick application. 1b (max 3)
No anal burning at all. 50b (max)
It's drying up. 0p. (max 3p)
Does not leave a greasy feeling and anal. 3b. (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation. 0b. (max)
No chemical odours 10b. (max)
Consistency visually and in terms of handling: they usually flow and can be handled 7b.
Packaging and handling. 2b (dissolves very well, high durability, harder to introduce into the anus than creams but better than other water-based lubricants) (max 4)
Small pack cheap: usually yes 1b. (max)
Brutal price-performance ratio. The best lubricant for regular vaginal intercourse, condom intercourse and for TPE aids.
Hybrids - Poor quality wannabe lubricant creams
Beware, this is probably the case with most products that manufacturers or distributors try to present as lubricating creams. In reality, however, they are just thickened lubricating gels and not lubricating creams. E.g. Eros Mega Slide or Pjur Power Premium Cream. This group of half gels and half creams has a jelly-like semi-liquid texture. Both of these products have a more pronounced chemical smell and burn in the anus. Frictional comfort is comparable to conventional lubricants and falls far short of the properties of quality lubricating creams. Basically, they are inferior to conventional lubricants and at the listed prices are pronounced overpriced making no sense at all.
Conclusion: 43b out of 158 and by far the worst price/performance ratio
Friction and mechanical comfort. 35b (max 50)
Quick application. 1b (max 3b)
It doesn't burn in the anus at all. 0b (max)
It's drying up. 0 (max 3b)
It does not leave a greasy feeling and anal. 0p. (max)
Promotes subsequent mucosal healing - prevents dehydration of the damaged mucosa and reduces the risk of wound inflammation. 0b. (max)
Chemical smell. 0b
Ideal consistency visually and in terms of handling: a nice cream. It is not too stiff and jelly-like and does not flow a bit. 3b.
Packaging and handling 0b
Small pack cheap: no 0p (max 1p)
Saliva is for regular vaginal sex. For anal sex, it's enough for emergencies and not at all for introducing larger objects. But they are better than oils as they create a slightly thicker layer. But worse than any other lubricant. The disadvantage of saliva may be the risk of transmitting venereal disease.
Conclusion: 84b out of 157 possible
Mechanical and frictional comfort. For regular sex, okay. For anal sex, more of an emergency 20b (max 50b)
Quick application. 0b (max 3)
No anal burning at all. 50b (max)
It won't dry out. After sex, feel the reserve in the anus. 0b. (max)
Does not leave a greasy feeling and anal 2b (max)
Supports subsequent mucosal healing 0 (max)
No chemical odours 10b (max)
Ideal consistency visually and in terms of handling: 3b (max)
without gelatinisation 3b (max)
easy handling. 5b (max)
Small pack cheap: yes 1p (max 1p)
Body creams 20-30%
Body creams leave a greasy environment. The body cream should spread easily and absorb quickly. This is the opposite of the properties we look for in a lubricant or lubricating cream - slipperiness, creating a protective slippery layer that absorbs slowly.
Body creams are designed for the skin and not the mucous membranes, where they often burn. The mucous membrane needs better quality ingredients. Use saliva as a sexual lubricant rather than body cream.