Idea Nipple Vacuum Bulbs Black 1piece
Suction Vacuum Bulb for Nipple, Clitoris
Underpressure breast flasks can also be used to relax the abdomen or back or other parts of the body.
For years we've wondered why people buy so much of it here. We don't look much at the competition, even if they sell the same products for 2 or 3 times as much. We don't follow the competition. We want maximum added value for the price. That's why we didn't even know about the price difference. The vacuum breast flask does not have a paper box, just in a hygienic plastic container. But it's half or a third of the market price.
Take a look around and compare quality and prices. Vacuum breast flasks are not a subsidized promotional product, but a standard. We have had a standard good markup of 100 % on it for years, but we don't need to markup 300% or 500% like others.
So now it's a promo product, but without the sacrifice - at the standard price :)) The paradox of the warped sex toy market. We have the majority of sex toys like this. Only on well-known brands (usually branded vibrators) are comparatively similar prices and elsewhere the customer is fleeced as much as possible.
We can, but we don't want to make it more expensive to spend on advertising and marketing. We want to give it to you, the customer. If everyone was like Extasica or people knew about us, all sex toys would be sold at 1/2 the current market prices. Recommend us as a sex shop. People don't know about us.
Variants - 1 piece
S - 25 mm (20 inside), 27 g, Art. No. 372401161,
M - 37 mm (30 inside), 40 g, Order No. 372405161
XL - 63 mm (50 inside), 68 g
From Extasica Testing
+ Quality workmanship of plexi glass, seals and piston.
+ Convenient to use
+ 0 complaints since the beginning of the sale 2016
Extasica redaction -
+ vacuum works well and reliably even without pushing
+ design
+ price
- none