KMG Penis sheath Lower bumps thin 22*4 cm

Soft perfectly designed penis sleeve with many bumps on the underside


In stock 10+


Thin penis sleeve with bumps on the underside for increased partner teasing.

Ideal softness. Partner will accept it better than a dildo of the same size. It will stretch even a very narrow slit without pain.

High sensitivity maintained due to thin walls.

Technical characteristics and manufacturer:

Dimensions: 22*4 cm, inner cavity - length 17 cm, inner diameter 3,5 cm stretchable up to the size of a fist.

Penis length 0-20 cm o.k. Longer penises could already push the penis sheath. Width universal. Very elastic.

Wall thickness: 0,3cm.

ideal hardness 5 HC

Material: TPE realskin

Weight: 126 g

Manufacturer:Kaomei, serial No. DOE-OO6


Use with water-based gels.

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Hmotnost 260 g




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