Hand carved wooden erotic statue Girl on stone

Hand carved wooden erotic statuette made of cherry wood...


Price 7500 EUR

Hand-carved wooden erotic statue created by professional carver Lucie Hoffman.

Extreme level of detail and care.

Maximum emphasis on realistic proportions.

It will represent you perfectly, for example on your desk.

A carved erotic wooden sculpture in this quality is truly unique. We have done a fairly thorough research of the world market. Erotic wooden statues of this quality do not exist on the market. There are only Chinese CNC machine-carved wooden erotic statues in the price level of 50,- to 200,- EUR and bronze erotic statues around 150,- EUR, or clay plaster or other easy to make statues. From 2017 - 2021 we have been unsuccessfully looking for a carver in the world (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, China) who could complete the task in the given quality.

The statuette is exceptionally well done without any defects or cracks.

It's solid. Even the thin spots have no slack.

Teak oil was chosen for surface treatment and protection. Unlike waxes, it preserves the surface of the wood to the touch.

Pumpkin seed oil was pulled off with a fine emery brush until the end of 2022 to lighten the statue. The statue is thus protected against the elements, but retains the lightness and feel of the wood. Finally, the statue was polished with leather for several hours.

The sculpture has been arranged for many years so that it can be freely in the room without air, for example on a desk without a cover, and can be touched without fear. The teak oil, when wiping the surface by touch, will come out of the deeper layer of the wood and seal the surface protection again.


We believe that this erotic sculpture is at the very limit of human possibilities and we do not know if we will be able to realistically repeat this feat. The artist has exceeded our most optimistic expectations and that may not be possible next time. Because with wood, there is no going back.

No deadline was set, only a requirement to be as realistic as possible.

Creation lasted 18 months from 11.3.2021 to 19.9.2022

15 hours of preparation and consultation 33 hours of modelling and modification of the clay model (5 versions) 140 hours of carving and carving correction 10 hours of sanding and varnishing.

More statues will follow as the years go by.

height: 23,5cm

weight: 883g

The face was loosely inspired by Vietnamese porn actress Vina Sky.

The difference between folk carving and precision art

Occasionally an experienced crib maker will write to us and tell us that he will make us a statue for half the price. Our carver doesn't want to make any more statues in this quality and with these demands. Twice she wanted to refund our money before finishing. And she was a really extra patient and conscientious carver. That's why we welcome other carvers, but statues for cribs are not really enough as a reference. This is not for the pleasure of the people, but a luxury item for the well-to-do that is hard to find. If you have the patience and ego within limits, combined with extreme talent, get in touch.

About the Author

Lucie Hoffmannová graduated from the Nový Zlíchov Secondary Art School in the field of artistic carving and the Higher Vocational Art School in Žižkov in the field of artistic carving in 2012. He mainly works for film and restoration of monuments and private commissions (puppets, reliefs, etc.).


The buyer will also receive the original contract with the author.

The seller is directly the private owners of Extasica s.r.o. Extasica s.r.o. acts only as an intermediary. The terms and conditions of Extasica s.r.o. do not apply to the sale, but the ordinary civil code of the Czech Republic.

The statuette must be picked up in person in the Czech Republic and its condition at the time of receipt must be confirmed in the handover protocol.

The option to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason does not apply to the purchase.

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